saw it. pinned it. did it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I've got a ton of Pinterest quests to share with you! I've been stockpiling them, and im ready to start sharing!
this has been one of my FAVORITE pins! Im on a health and fitness kick, and I love to cook, so this was a no brainer! And it's delish!
Here's the original pin
Breakfast Quinoa
Quinoa is a high-protien seed that fills you up, and is good for you! You can make it savory, and in this instance, sweet!
Here's what you'll need!
 -2 cups whole or low-fat milk, plus more for serving
-1 cup quinoa, rinsed (you'll need a mesh strainer; I didn't have one as you'll see!)
-3 tablespoons light-brown sugar, plus more for serving
-1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon, plus more for serving
-1 cup (1/2 pint) fresh blueberries, plus more for serving
rinse your quinoa- use a mesh strainer, if you have one! I don't have one (currently) so I used a couple paper towels. It worked ok- a lot of the seeds stuck to the wet paper towel so yeah.
bring the milk to a boil in a sauce pan. remember that milk gets frothy (aka expands) when boiled, so be aware when choosing the size of your pan!
add the quinoa, and bring to a boil.
reduce heat to low and simmer COVERED for about 15 minutes or until the 3/4 of the milk has been absorbed.
stir in sugar and cinnamon. cook covered until all the liquid has been absorbed. Stir in blueberries! and cook for about 30 seconds (I used frozen berries, so there was a little cooking and a little extra liquid to cook off. )
Transfer to a pyrex dish to store! It's super easy to portion out!
You can serve it with extra milk, cinnamon, sugar and blueberries, but it tasted just fine without it!
Let me know if you try this! It was so easy and a great breakfast! You can eat it before or after working out and you don't feel weighted down!
Link up!
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  1. I absolutely love quinoa but I can't seem to get my husband to like it. I've tried so many things! :( This would be great for breakfast though for me! thanks for sharing with us and linking up!

    1. My husband hates it too! In fact, he refers to quinoa as 'butt pellets'. haha, BUT he does like this! a little sugar makes everything better!

  2. mmm that looks delicious...I must try it! = )


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