I love the day the maid comes!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

woo hoo! the maid came today! and my maid (who is ME by the way) spent the day in my pjs bleaching, cleaning, folding and dusting-- in other words, spring cleaned. i usually put aside one day a week and really clean, with bleach.it has to be done. for real.  as much as i hate it and how gross it can be, there is NOTHING better than taking a shower in a squeaky clean shower, using a bleached clean toilet and sink, not seeing any laundry or dishes and relaxing in your clean home. seriously. the next best thing is clean sheets, but that's tomorrows task! off to the grocery store we go tonight. the weather is supposed to be gross, so CL and i are going to spend the evening grocery shopping, and relaxing on the couch.

happy good friday, y'all.

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.'"
- John 11:25-26

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